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GrossDanceCompany presents ‘An evening of contemporary dance’ in Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis
To celebrate the opening of 2019, GrossDanceCompany hosts an exciting evening of contemporary dance, together with five choreographers.
GDC’s Artistic directors Sagi Gross & Jeroen Fransen have invited and programmed Maurice Causey, Corneliu Ganea and Fernando Troya to present their creations together in one evening. Next to the performances, the evening will include as well short dance films.
You can make only reservations via this page (under the text), you can buy your tickets at the theatre only by pin (no cash!)
You can buy tickets with your bankaccount via:
After the performance, there will be a meeting with the choreographers and a new year’s gathering.
Come to open 2019 together with us!
‘An evening of contemporary dance’ is a production of the foundation (Stichting) GrossDanceCompany.
Er kunnen geen reserveringen meer worden geplaatst voor dit evenement.