These things always start “the future is closer than you think ‘or’ the future is just around the corner ‘or even the’ future has arrived.” Truth is, the future’s been here for ages. We just weren’t paying attention. And now, here we are.
It’s all coming together for Alice Dawes. The mind-bogglingly rich founder of DAWES BioTech has everything she could want on Earth but, she’s not interested in most of it and her ambitions reach far beyond our little blue dot. Biological augmentation HAS Increased her life span, technology removed all drudgery from her daily existence and there is nothing, nothing, to curtail her imagination. She is free, to live as she chooses and to … create. Or so she thought. But When her cutting edge research turns out to have a mind of its own, and the shareholders start asking questions, she comes to see making the future is a tricky business.
For Beth, everything’s a mess. The climate change fixes have not Reached her suburban backwater yet, her boyfriend, Dave, is lovely but lacks ambition; she’s happy but anxious. Constantly. Like the apocalypse is nigh but she can not see-which direction it’s approaching from. Is she looking for meaning or escapism? And does she have time to look for upkeep?
Fascinated by the radical advancement of technology, artificial intelligence and biotechnology, Orange Tea Theatre use the technology of today to take an irreverent and blackly comic look at the technology of our immediate future.
When it comes to creating intelligence, how do we continue to define what is human? What is human enough to warrant trusting? And how can we be sure ‘it’ will trust us back?